Sunday, February 25, 2007


Well it's been such a long time since I've added to this post. That's because I have been so busy with work and everything. At Vittorio Park we have commenced our next major landscaping renovation. We had 5 trees pulled down that were around the house and now we are planting same trees further away. 25 in fact. You can see the last remaining logs of the big tree that was in the centre of the old holding paddock.
. In this photo you can see I've planted a stand of candlebark trees with native grass as companions. At the moment I am having to hand water them using a bucket. Hopefully the rain will come and give me a break. Once they start growing I'm sure they'll look lovely from the verandah. Next month we will be paving the top area of the block
. This is the view from the verandah. Soon hopfully to be improved.